Austin Pets Alive! Chip In Program

IMG_20140427_140714A few weeks ago, at Austin’s vegan bake sale, I learned about sponsorship programs from Austin Pets Alive!  Prior to that I thought APA was just for adopting animals which means every time I saw their little kennels set up around town I avoided them like the plague.

Don’t get me wrong, I love animals, but that’s the problem.  I already have two cats and don’t have the time or resources (a backyard) to dedicate to a dog, so the idea of being around those wagging tails and begging eyes is just too much for me.

Now I know I can still help and not feel as bad when I see the little guys out and about.  20140427_120016

So if adopting or fostering a pet are not the right choices for you, think about sponsoring one.  Visit the lists of cats or dogs from the APA website, click on the animal you’d like to sponsor and you’ll see a form at the bottom of the page. They also have a program in which you can sponsor an animal that has extraordinary medical or behavioral expenses.

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